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Cellulite, Stomach Fat, Tiger Stripes!

We forget that stretch marks, cellulite and some stomach fat is natural. We forget that we are born human and physically can't be perfect. We forget that God doesn't make us out of plastic and silicone. We forget to be flawed..” - Skye Townsend

Natural bodies are still winning

All natural bodies have flaws... and that's just OK! I used to be really self-conscious about my figure a few years ago. I just had the feeling that everything was wrong. There are dimples in places other than my cheeks (face cheeks that is lol), my stomach is not flat and I have (what I call) Little Debbie Swiss rolls.  I came to the realization one day that God had built this temple. The fact that he spent his time and handmade it himself should be acknowledged. I'm going to learn to appreciate my body in the same way as I appreciate his other numerous creations. Its distinctive but most importantly its mine. The media will do everything it can to persuade us women that we must "look" a certain way in order to be deemed attractive, but this is just not the case. Nature-based goods are known to be beneficial to the body, just as natural bodies are known to be beneficial to Society. Knowing that you're gorgeous starts with you, not with anybody else. You must learn to love and accept your body on your own, rather than relying on others to do it for you. You may not have a booty, you may not have curves, you may not even have large breasts, but show off what you do have! A lady who is comfortable in her own skin is sexy as hell! Consider your body to be like mother earth, replete with natural resources that represent something unique about you. My Tiger Strips are a representation of my inner power and warrior spirit. My rolls represent the waves of the ocean, and my cellulite represents the phases of the moon.

"This is it: This body is home. This is where I live and hang my hat. This is where I settle into my hips and sit easy in myself, slung together with strong muscles and bones, made gentle and forging with flesh. This body is durable, has lasted for years, hunkered down through fierce storms and allows for the peaceful erosions of age. It is like a cottage on the shore: weathered and well made, a place where a person could comfortable live. I like it here. It is my own.” –Marya Hornbacher

Men want something to hold on to

A lady who radiates confidence is one of the characteristics that most men and women find appealing in a woman. A lady who is self-assured and comfortable in her own skin. As soon as we get control over our bodies and have confidence in them, we begin to glow. Those around you will see the ray of light shining through you. Own it ! Put a switch in that walk of confidence!  Take pride in the fact that your body is a natural monument. Work with what you got! Last but not least, there are still men out there that appreciate natural bodies!! Men want to hold on to those FUPAs. They want to rub their hands against those tiger stripes. They want to join you in accepting your cellulite as a part of you. If they can't acknowledge and appreciate the original over the imitations, then they are not worthy of being in your presence.

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