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Do you love your body?

I look at myself naked in the mirror and say, "You know what, awkward butt shape? You’re not gonna get higher or rounder but it’s OK, because I’ve got Spanx for you." Your words have so much power. Every day, if you tell yourself "I love you," if you give yourself one word of validation, it will change your mind.” - Ashley Graham

LOVE Your Body!

For many decades, society has dictated what constitutes the "ideal" body. They have defined us as women by a numerical designation. I've had to cope with this "norm" my whole life, and it's had a negative impact on my mental health. I would be envious of all the ladies who had bodies that met the standards set by society, and I would gaze at them all with envy. "Why can't I be that slim?" I'd ponder. Alternatively, "I wish I had a body like them." It didn't help matters when insensitive members of my family made disparaging remarks about my weight. During high school, I reached a point when I was willing to starve myself in order to lose a few pounds. It was a terrible experience. Fast forward seven years, and I began to follow women like Ashley Graham, Charli Howard, Dascha Polanco, and others on social media. Through photographs, I was able to see how these women cherished and accepted their bodies. I told myself enough is enough. At that moment, I made a pledge to myself that I would take better care of my body and embrace my flaws, regardless of what society thought of them. I began modeling, and through my photographs, I was able to inspire and motivate other women. I began to accept and enjoy my back rolls. I began to accept and love my chubby thighs. I began to accept my fupa as a part of myself. I began to accept and even enjoy my tiger stripes. I began to accept and love MYSELF.

IfYou can't love yourself how in the hell you gonna love somebody else.”- RuPaul

Get Inspired

Ladies, I issue a challenge to you! I dare you to look in the mirror and point out all of the aspects on your body that society or the media would consider to be negative, and then convert them into good attributes. I challenge you to accept every roll, every tiger stripe, and every speck of cellulite on your body. Don't allow society to have influence over your physical appearance. The right person will come into your life and fall in love with everything about you, even your body . Kill the haters and skeptics  by demonstrating how confident you are in your own skin and physical appearance. You are Stunning. You are a force to be reckoned with. You are Pleasant

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